Saturday 7 May 2011

My Favourite Pokemon


Well this is a bit of a random post....
Today my brother received a package in the post - very exciting for him. It was his new Pokemon game for his Nintendo DS. 
 -- Perhaps should say, my brother is 11. He is called Aaron, but we call him AJ, or rather he wants us to call him AJ. Often, just to annoy him, I call him "My ickle Aarony," and boy does he go crazy. Hehe. Brothers can be so cruel.  -- 
So, his new game, Pokemon White has arrived and he is glued to it now. But that got me thinking for a bit about Pokemon. I never really watched it or bought the cards. But on my old Game Boy Colour (so retro!) I sometimes played the game.
Did any of you guys ever play Pokemon? If so, which Pokemon was your favourite? 
Mine was: 

Yes. Dragonite. He was definitely the best. He had the best moves like...err....Hyper Beam....etc! 
I have loved dragons ever since I was very little and then when Pokemon came along and you could catch and train your own ...well I found it very exciting indeed!!! 
Haha. Hope I haven't just shown myself up to being a wee bit sad.....
Anyway yeah.
Dragonite was the best. End of. 

Peace out, 
Felix x


  1. I was never much into Pokemon or things like that, but a while ago I learned that there is a pokemon named Lucario. When I invented my nickname Lunario, I didn't think of that pokemon at all, I had never heard of it. Hopefully I don't come across as a Pokemon fan because of the resemblance of those names, hehe. (Not that there's anything bad about being a Pokemon fan, it's just that it's not true in my case)

  2. Lunario said:

    I was never much into Pokemon or things like that, but a while ago I learned that there is a pokemon named Lucario. When I invented my nickname Lunario, I didn't think of that pokemon at all, I had never heard of it. Hopefully I don't come across as a Pokemon fan because of the resemblance of those names, hehe. (Not that there's anything bad about being a Pokemon fan, it's just that it's not true in my case)
