Saturday 14 May 2011

Who likes short shorts?

Morning all,

Today is Saturday, the best day of the week! It means a lie-in, no school (although I quite enjoy lessons, its the twats I don't miss on the weekend!) and slobbing in my jim-jams.
I meant to post last night but blogger has gone a bit crazy for the past couple of days....apparently they had some data corruption or something and it stopped blogger from functioning propery. Bad times!
Yesterday was an interesting day really. A girl in our year came out as a lesbian o.O
But the best thing was, she came and spoke to me for ages at lunchtime about it. She said she was really impressed by my attitude and it was because of me that she felt comfortable coming out!!!! :O
Lol, it was really sad :P
We sat on a bench in the little wooded bit we have near the rugby pitch. People go there to have sex and to smoke :P lol. Thankfully none of that was happening. But we ate our lunch and chatted and cried together. It was lovely. I hope she is prepared for the haters...
But then again, maybe it will be easier for her, because I'm already out. I hope so. Claire is such a nice girl, I really hope she doesn't get too much shit for it.
Then after school I had another play rehearsal with *sigh* Mattie. Went well. It was a scene before my entrance so I just sat and watched. I think it will be quite a good (if not cheesy) play.
Also something that I'm still grinning at is that Mattie is coming over to my house after school on Monday! EEP. He asked his mum about it on Thursday and because his sister and I are good friends it was apparently, "no problem at all." I CAN'T WAIT!

However although my day was good, my evening left a lot to be desired.
Mum went out and didn't come back last night. I got home to find a note attached to the fridge,
Gone out with some friends. Be back tomorrow.
Be good,
So it was just Aaron and I last night. I cooked some pasta (which was very yummy, I must say :P ) and then we went to the park for a couple of hours to play football. That was nice.
Because it was Friday, I let Aaron stay up late and we watched a film lol, "Gamer," with Gerard Butler and a really cute boy, who played, "Percy Jackson," in "Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief." He was fit as! Haha. Don't think Aaron liked it because of him, rather for the copious amounts of violence! Lol. He is such a boy.
Anyway. Today I am having a lazy day. Aaron is off into town to meet up with "some friends." I think it is a girl. Hehe. I expect mum to be back around 1pm with a stonking hangover. That will be fun. Wish me luck dealing with her and her post-night-out destructive moods. :S
Anyway. Ciao for now and for apparent reason, other than the fact that I like them, here are some pics of boys in short shorts (actually thanks to for inspiring this picture selection!)

Hehe. Thought I would go a bit vintage today :P And if only the lads I knew would wear shorts THAT short...that would be...erm. YUMMY.
Har Har Har.
Bis später,

Felix x


  1. Hey Felix!

    I don't know why but obviously all the comments I left on your previous posts don't show up. That sucks. :/ Probably it also has to do with the problems that had in the past days... Anyways

    Claire being homosexual too is surely a sort of support for you, at least at school. You two can hang out together and be strong together against the bullies. Don't let them annoy you. :) Also, I think it's great that Matthew is really going to meet you at your house. :)

    I don't know that Percy Jackson movie, but the boy is indeed very yummy. :D

    Have a nice day,

  2. Yo!
    Yeah it's really annoying! Although, according to the Blogger status page, comments are hopefully going to be re-uploaded by the end of the weekend. If they aren't, then I will reupload them myself!
    And I agree. It's quite funny actually, because Claire and I knew each other (as everyone knows everyone) but we weren't that close. I rekon we will become quite close <3
    Tis a good film. Here is the trailer, if you're interested :)

    Much love,
    Felix x

  3. Hi Felix,

    I actually had a similar experience some years ago. I have been openly gay at my school from the 2nd grade on and probably everybody knew (as it seemed to be a great topic to gossip about). And a couple of years later I visited a gay teen organisation event where I met this girl which went to the same school as me. However, she had changed schools before outing herself. When she saw me she immediately thanked me for showing her to just be who you are as she came out to all of her new friends at the other school really soon afterwards.

    Haven't seen the Percy Jackson movie yet, although it has been on my must-watch list for some time now as he is indeed hot ^_^


  4. Nice pictures.This remind me the Hot-Pants in 70th :)

  5. So Patrick remembers the 70's? Oh yes the one time I would love to return to if time travel was invented. Me in the Cub Scouts in North London. Ridiculously short grey shorts and the area awash with men just looking for one going to or coming back from Cubs so they can chat, make comments or drop keys or money so you would kneel down to help pick them up. You felt like a star and hated finally getting home and going in. Ag the dark evenings of winter where so much was masked.

  6. mm I love the boy in the blue shirt brown short shorts sexy tan legs

  7. Baggy shorts and jeans are so last century x

  8. I always love boys in short shorts!!!
