Sunday 8 May 2011

Die Einsamkeit

Sometimes I do feel quite lonely.
All is quiet at 2:17am in the Jones' household. Mum and Aaron are sound asleep. It is just me and Percy here. He is asleep at the foot of my bed.
I'm sorry if this is a depressing post, but writing helps me to calm down, to relax and to deal with things. Of course I know that I am not alone, per se. I have friends and I have my family. But now, sitting alone (except for Percy) it is almost as if I were the only person in the whole world. The house is so quiet. We don't live on a main road, but in little cul de sac, and few cars ever really come our way, unless they are the neighbours.
I know it sounds silly, but I really could do with someone to hug...and not just mum, or even you Percy. I dunno. Someone who would be therefore me, just for me all the time. Someone who understands me, someone who wants to be with me, for me. Not because I am clever, or because they think they can take advantage of me. But because they really do care for me.
Someone to cuddle at 2am and hear them tell you it is going to be alright. Feel their heartbeat, hear their soft breathing and know that you are not alone.....
That's what I want.
Jeesh. Now I've started to cry. :S
FML, gonna get tears on my pillow.
Thanks for listening blog (oh and you Percy!). Its nice to know that there is a little corner of the Internet just for me...

Much love from a bleary eyed Felix (and Percy) x


  1. Hey Felix (and Percy :P). I totally feel the same way about the need of someone close to you, both physically and mentally. One day both of us will find someone appropriate, I'm sure. It's just so hard to find someone who is really interested in someone and doesn't just want sex or use you in some other way. But there are people who are not like that. Yeah, I'm sure there are.

  2. Hey, Felix,

    I’m really enjoying your blog.

    I found your blog through a comment you put on Oliver's blog, so I'm not sure if you'll have seen this post of his already - but if not, please do check it out. Your post reminded me of it so much - I hope you enjoy it. (I sometimes think his last paragraph should be printed out as a poster and sent to every school in the country...)

    Anyway, I love your blog!

    Take care,


  3. Lunario said:

    Hey Felix (and Percy :P). I totally feel the same way about the need of someone close to you, both physically and mentally. One day both of us will find someone appropriate, I'm sure. It's just so hard to find someone who is really interested in someone and doesn't just want sex or use you in some other way. But there are people who are not like that. Yeah, I'm sure there are.

  4. Roop said:

    Hey, Felix,

    I’m really enjoying your blog.

    I found your blog through a comment you put on Oliver's blog, so I'm not sure if you'll have seen this post of his already - but if not, please do check it out. Your post reminded me of it so much - I hope you enjoy it. (I sometimes think his last paragraph should be printed out as a poster and sent to every school in the country...)

    Anyway, I love your blog!

    Take care,


  5. @ Roop

    Thank you very much! Yeah I read that post and it was so touching and uplifting, I nearly cried! <3 If my babblings are anything like I will be really proud *blushes* thank you.
    Much Love,
    Felix xxx
